veggies, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

lily, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

for my mom

delphinium, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

June 22.

I had an opportunity to visit and photograph Growing Lots, an urban farm located next to Coastal Seafoods in Seward.  Stefan Meyer and the Growing Lots folks started with a couple of parking lots, brought in a whole lot of soil, and now they have amazingly lush gardens.  The farm is an urban CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). They have 24 subscribers, who bought a share in the farm at the beginning of the season and get weekly veggies all summer long. I happened to be there on the last day they had chickens, so I the chance to meet many of the lovely gals (and rooster) before they moved to new homes. Thanks again to farmers Stefan and Jake for the visit.

peony, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

I’ve been having some fun playing with my flash in the garden when it’s just getting dusk–when I haven’t yet made a photo for the day. Those luscious peonies.

roadmaster, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

Some sweet flowers in my garden called Prairie Smoke.

July 22.