I recently heard about Nina Katchadourian and the self-portraits she takes in the Flemish painting style in airplane bathrooms with toilet paper and such.

Wow. So we had to try it in our own bathroom.

sprinkler, originally uploaded by jenniferlarson.

We broke the a 125+ year-old record today for temperature–something like 95 out there. Sprinkler weather! Here’s a freshly sprinkled boy. More photos here.

Sunday morning, hanging around the house.

November 25.  Isaiah’s standing in squiggly light from our stained glass window.

September 30.  Miss G. likes to pretend she’s another kid from her preschool.  Lately it’s Maeve.

September 15.

May 27.  Dear readers, yesterday I forgot to take a photo!  I was so busy painting our front entry and stuff.  I’m sad the streak is broken.  When I told Isaiah, he said, you can take two today.  So, I took more than two today.  And I’m putting up two.big mouth

portraitMay 25.

May 16.

dadMay 13.